New Patient Center
When you arrive at Evans Chiropractic Clinic, you’ll find a quiet, soothing environment awaits. Relaxing music is playing, and we keep it lighthearted with smiles, laughs and fun conversation. We invite you to feel at home in our comfortable practice!
The First Visit

Welcome to Evans Chiropractic Clinic!
When you arrive, Dr. Robbie will start on a comprehensive examination that includes:
• Muscle strength testing
• Neurological and physical tests
• Range of motion testing
If X-rays are needed, we can take them on-site. You’ll be given your first adjustment in most cases unless we need to refer you to another specialist. Please plan on being here for about an hour.
The Second Visit
On your next appointment, Dr. Robbie will go over your findings and X-rays, if taken, in greater detail. He’ll discuss a treatment plan appropriate for your condition and give you a second adjustment.
Following Visits
Subsequent visits with us take just 10-15 minutes and include an adjustment and any necessary therapies and modalities. You’ll return according to your schedule of treatment.
We’ll perform re-examinations at regular intervals to track your progress. Dr. Robbie will talk to you on each visit to give you information about why you’re hurting or any new research. It’s important to us that we educate you on diet, exercise and advise you on your daily activities to help improve your overall health.
The Decision to Continue Care
Many people have heard the myth that once you go to a chiropractor, you have to continue going for your entire life. That simply isn’t true. Most want to see a chiropractor again because they start to stiffen or hurt due to daily activities, a heavy workload or poor posture. It’s entirely their decision. If you decide you’re not hurting and don’t need to come in, that’s okay, too. Once you start feeling better, you may want to continue to see us to keep enjoying a healthier lifestyle.
We’ll tailor our recommendations to your injury and level of activity.
Financial Information
We accept most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid. Our team also handles car accidents and workers’ compensation cases. Cash, check and credit card are all accepted forms of payment.
Take advantage of our free consultation offer to find out what we can do to help you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!